Sunday, September 23, 2012


This week, what really got to me were the trends in families today. Here is a list of some of those trends and if they have become more popular or less popular.

1.Co-habitation (up)
2.Living Alone (up)
3.Post-Phoning Marriage (up)
4.House-Hold Sizes (down)
5.Single Mothers (up)
6.Working Mothers (up) [39.6%]
7.Birth Rate (down)
8.Pre-Matrtal Sex (up) 

Why are these things a bad thing? Everyone is doing it, so it has to be okay. Not true! We've all heard the saying, "If you're friends jumped off a cliff, would you?"

 SO WHAT? Why does it even matter.

Well FAMILY is important. Family is why we are here. Family is how our society functions. Without family, you wouldn't even be here. 

Co-habitation isn't family, its just living together with another person, having a roommate and leaving whenever you want to. No strings attached, don't have to make it work if you don't want to. How is that good for any person. Its really unstable and what we need is stability.That comes with family. 

Co-habitation leads to pre-martial sex.  This is a problem because it spreads diseases and the idea that sex is just for fun. Sex can be great, but its like giving a piece of your self away. If you do that too many times, you will have nothing left. Sex is also for having children, which means a family.

Living alone is well lonely. As humans we crave interaction. I believe that this is one of the reasons why there are so many people that suffer from depression. Having a family means having people that love you and will be there for you.

People are post-phoning marriage to "get their life in order" first. It may not seem like a bad idea, however this is effecting the birth rates as well. People are putting what they want first, like starting a career or traveling, etc. They marry later which makes them want children later, making them having only a few. Only Children children will not have uncles, aunts or cousins. This making it hard for them to accommodate to other people's needs and harder for them to get married.

Household sizes are going down due to the amount of people not have families or smaller families. There are no people to fill the houses that used to keep big-ish families. There are a lot houses that won't sell because people aren't needing that big of a house.

There a lot more single mothers out there than there really should be. Having a father in your life is important. It helps fulfill needs and affection. Fathers also give the necessary affection and approval that we all crave. Having a father in your life also keeps you out of poverty. 

Working mothers (having children at home under the age of 6) has been going in population. Mothers should be there for there children and take care of them and the house. This is NOT a bad thing. I hate how people now a days think that being a stay at home mom is like a prison or a horrible job.  It isn't. I love having my mom at home, being able to pick me up from school when I was sick, or being able to bring me something if I had forgotten it. A lot of single mothers are working mothers, making it hard on them and their children. 

Now a lot of this I learned in my class and the video's I had to watch. Other is opinion. I'm not trying to offend anyone, just stating facts and what I believe. There should be nothing wrong with that.

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